Home-for-the-Holidays Workout!

The holidays are here, and if you’re like me, that means travel–travel away from home, your favorite gym classes, familiar running paths, bike riding routes, and pool.

Maybe you’re going somewhere where you can’t easily run outside or find a gym.  If so, don’t despair!  There are quick and easy workouts you can do in your hotel room or mom’s living room to maintain fitness and enjoy some guilt-free holiday eats.

Workouts On Demand
First, if you have access to cable television and an On Demand service like Comcast’s, check out the selection of fitness workouts in the Sports & Fitness category.  Sample workouts include “Ten Minute Workouts,” “Cardio Blast,” “Kickboxing,” “Core & Abs,” and “Pilates & Yoga.”  Bonus:  if you have a Comcast account, you can also watch them on the road–via computer or the Comcast Streampix app– through Streampix.  Check out the lineup here (you may need to log into your Comcast account first).

Inspiration from YouTube
You can also find great ideas for routines on YouTube.  Ubtfitness has some solid routines crafted by credentialed personal trainers–like this Thanksgiving home cardio/strength routine. The “20/10” interval workout contains 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, running through body weight exercises like pushups, squat jumps, lunges, and burpees.

Resist it!
Resistance bands are also a terrific portable workout option that you can do anywhere.  Check out this full body resistance band workout, packed into eight simple moves–with demos–courtesy of Daily Spark.

Of course, if you simply can’t fit the workouts in, don’t feel too guilty.  Our bodies need a break, and what better time to take one than the holidays?  Just don’t let your down week turn into a down month:  our bodies start to lose cardiovascular fitness in as little as a week or two–and we all know that it takes a lot longer to get it back.

Here’s wishing everyone a happy, healthy Thanksgiving!




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